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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Brazil - 23 February, 2002



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Hotel Chile, Salvador S12º58.402' W038º30.655' 71 m
Barra . . . 15 km (by bus)
Finish Hotel Chile, Salvador S12º58.402' W038º30.655' 71 m 15 km (by bus)

Leg 3 Total:

2,681 km

Leg 2 Total:

12,140 km

Leg 1 Total:

9,010 km


771 km

Grand Total:

24,602 km


Weather: Clear, sunny and very hot.



Today is a "working" day.  Lars needs to do some catching up on his journal (one of the reasons for coming early to Salvador, so he would have a spare day to do so) and he spends most of the day in the hotel room working on the computer.  But we head over to our 'regular' cafe for a quick lunch of sandwiches and fresh fruit juice.


That evening the rest of the group is going to a Candomble session, where members of this Afro-Brazilian religious cult will perform various rituals.  We have decided not to go for a number of reasons, so we head down to Barra for dinner and drinks and the sunset.  On our previous visits to Barra we had notices a restaurant on the beach which had a great view of the lighthouse and the setting sun - we headed there on the public bus.


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We get there just before 6 PM - just in time for sunset.  We order our caipiroscas and then just enjoy the view and all the locals at play.  We look down the length of one of the beaches and have the light house as the backdrop.  The beach is filled with people - some just lazing around, some going for a walk and many swimming.  There are also two sets of youngsters playing soccer.


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As the sun sets, the colors change and the reds and oranges are reflected in the surf and the wet sand of the beach.  The people become silhouettes as they go about their activities.  It is a wonderful sight.


As the sun dips under the horizon, we order dinner and as we wait for our food we watch as the sky goes from red to orange to dark blue to eventually black.  The meal turns out to be excellent - Lars has a steak and Jacqui has two big lobsters.


After we finish eating we head back to the hotel where Lars continues to work on his journal.


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