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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Argentina - 27 January, 2002



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Majestic Hotel, Buenos Aires S34º37.076' W058º22.245' 18 m
Finish Majestic Hotel, Buenos Aires S34º37.076' W058º22.245' 18 m -

Leg 2 Total:

8,670 km

Leg 1 Total:

9,010 km


771 km

Grand Total:

18,341 km


Weather: Mostly clear, sunny and very hot.



Another day of seeing the sights of Buenos Aires.  We sleep in until about 10 AM, get ready and then head out.  We go to the same bakery that we have been frequenting each day so far - we are now regular customers and are recognised by the staff.  We get some more yummy cakes and snacks and then head on our way.


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First stop is La Boca - we take a taxi to what must be BA's most colorful barrio.  The buildings are painted in bright, varying colors.  LA Boca was first settled by Italian immigrants.  It is an artists (and tourist) colony, along with a working class neighborhood.  It is a fun little area to walk around in and amongst the brightly covered buildings.


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Artists are selling their works along the streets and in the many small shops that line the cobble stoned alleyways.  We stop in a few places and admire the work of the artists.  It is hot, so after some time we get a drink and sit on one of the benches and just watch the people go by.  After a couple of hours we decide to head to our next area.  We walk along the old water front where the many boats and ships used to come to.  Now it is quiet and the harbor is filled with rusting wrecks.


For some reason we think it might be fun to take a public bus.  A kind lady in a shop tells us which bus to catch and where to go.  We head off there and see the bus just arriving at the stop.  We runt o get on, but the driver tells us that he id not going in that direction.  We get off and try to figure out which is the correct bus.  We ask quite a few people and other bus drivers, and they do not seem to know.  In the end, we stop the bus with the same number and this time the driver tells us that he does go in that direction.  It is cheap, fast and the driver even tells us where to get off the bus.


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We alight in Recoleta, which is in the northwest part of town.  It is a fashionable area and is famous for its large cemetery where all the rich and famous families are buried after they leave this world and pass on to the next.  This is the area where all the rich people fled to from San Telmo after the yellow fever outbreaks.  Anyway, in the cemetery, the rich have built huge mausoleums to rest in after death.  It is amazing how grand they are and how many coffins they can fit in them, including in the underground vaults.


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What many people come to see is the tomb of Evita - Eva Peron.  It is actually relatively modest.  After a short look, we find our way out of the massive cemetery and back out onto the streets of the living.  We go look for what was billed to be the best ice cream shop in BA, but we are disappointed when we find it.  It is not too good.  We also have a stop at Hard Rock Cafe to buy a pin for a friend.


Then onto our final stop for the day - San Telmo.  Today is Sunday and it is the day they have the flea market in the square and there are many performers on the streets.  We have a fun time checking out the various stalls and watching the performers.  There are many tango dancers putting on a show, but they are nearly as good as the ones we saw at Bar Sur.  We also have a drink in a bar to cool off and rest our feet.  There are many things that we would like to buy, but we had no space for them.


We get back to the hotel at 7 PM and take it easy, wash up and work on our journal.  No use going out too early - no one has dinner before 10 PM and usually later.  So at about 10 PM we head out, grabbing a taxi to Puerto Madero.  This is the old port that has now been converted into residential, commercial and dining area.   They have done a very good job and we spend some time walking along the pier looking for a nice place to eat.


In the end, we opt for a steak place.  There are no seats outside, so we have to sit indoors.  Not so bad in the end - it is darn hot.  We have a great meal.  We have buffalo mozzarella as a starter (and it was the best that we have had in South America), followed by steak.  The steak was excellent and we washed it all down with a bottle of wine.  Even without the 15% discount that came with paying cash, it was a bargain.  After dinner, we had some ice cream and then headed back to the hotel.


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