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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Norway - 24 July, 2004



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Roa, Hadeland (Bjørklia, Tante Berit's cabin) N59º55.542' E010º43.059' 61 meters .
Finish Roa, Hadeland (Bjørklia, Tante Berit's cabin) N59º55.542' E010º43.059' 61 meters -

Total (BMW 330CiC)

13,271 km

Total (other):

5,175 km


18,446 km


Weather: Partly cloudy, occasional sun and very warm (up to 22°C).  Cool in the evening and overnight.



We quickly get into the routine of things up here at the cabin.  A slow, lazy morning - we take our time getting out of bed.  Then we have our brunch out on the porch overlooking the valley below.  It is a very nice spot and sitting there slowly enjoying brunch is fantastic.  We certainly have a delicious brunch with a wide selection of breads, cheeses, dairy products, cereals, cold cuts and spreads.  Such a variety.


Then after brunch we feel that we should try to be a bit productive.  First order of the day is to put back the long outdoor dining table table that was taken down when a tree was felled.  Lars had worked with Jorgen in the first place to design and build the supports for the table, so we were pretty sure what to do.  We got all the pieces together and soon had the legs in place, having hammered them into the holes that had previously been made.  Then the long top was securely laid over the legs.


That job done, it was now time to chop down a few trees.  The birch and other trees grow like weeds around here, so if you do not stay on top of it, the cabin would soon be overrun (or at least the view obstructed).  Today Lars goes after the saplings that are starting to sprout all over the place.  Tomorrow, when Jorgen comes, we will tackle a few of the larger trees.  Jacqui also gets into the action and uses a hand sickle to chop back some of the grass and undergrowth.


Well, after a few hours of the labor, it is time for tea (or a beer, as the case may be).  We retire to the porch and choose our drink of choice and just relax and enjoy the fresh air.  And after that tea, there is not much else to do but take it easy and nap or read or just hang out.  This quiet time is interrupted only by dinner, another enjoyable meal on the porch.  The best part if taking in the slow change in colors as the sun begins it's slow descent to the horizon.  After dinner we have the usual drinks and coffee around the fireplace.


Before going to bed, we have the usual ritual of visiting the loo.  This is an old cabin and it has not been fully brought up to modern standards (and that is a good thing).  While we have running water and electricity, the loo is still an old fashioned outhouse.  And this is a short walk across the side lawn to the other side of the storage shed.  The outhouse is a two-seater, but we never had the need to use it at the same time.  So, to try and avoid a visit in the middle of the night, we make one last trip over before heading to bed.


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